We have been together for almost 5 years now and after becoming engaged in 2005 we have finally decided to set a date and tie the knot. We were going to have our wedding here in Indy but have recently decided it would be more exciting to have our wedding in Pigeon Forge, TN while surrounded by the Smokey Mountains. We will then enjoy our honeymoon with each other in Pigoen Forge doing many exciting things and relaxing in a mountain side cabin. We will be having a reception somewhere in Indy after we return. Details on that will be posted as we make them.
Because we already have most household items we are asking that gifts be made towards our honeymoon. We are very excited and would love to see what our friends and family help us accomplish on our trip. For those who feel uncomfortable with this, we will be registered at Target as well.
Another wedding webpage we have is ShrekandFiona.ourweddingday.com, please check out that page as well.
Mandy's father, Lynn Averitt, is our travel agent, please contact him for any further information or any special requests. His webpage is www.LynnAverittDestination.com or laave@sbcglobal.net is his email.
Mandy and Ian

We will be getting married in our cabin at the Black Bear Lodge in Pigeon Forge, TN. Our cabin's name is A Rocky Top Retreat and is absolutly beautiful. If you are wanting to attend please let me know in advance, there is a HUGE car show in Pigeon Forge that weekend so it may be difficult to find a hotel room so plan ahead.

We are having a small reception at our cabin afterwards and then a huge reception once we return to Indy. We don't know exactly where we're going to have our reception yet but it will be a great party for everyone. We certainly understand if many people do not come down to TN with us, please do not feel as if you have to. This is why we're having a party here, to celebrate with everyone. We will take lots of pictures and hopefully have our ceramony video taped.

We are going to rent a car to drive down and back.

We just want to thank everyone who has supported and been there for us. We love you and look forward to seeing you soon!