Well, we finally figured it out. ha We grew up in the same town, graduated together, and he even lived in my basement when I lived in Minneapolis for a short time while he participated in an internship at a nursery there. Who knew we'd end up living happily ever after together? After my friends in Minneapolis met him they'd asked me "tell me again why you aren't chasing this guy?" Even my mom had it all worked out. Whenever I hung out with him she would tell me "you need to marry this one, he's a keeper". Of course it had nothing to do with the fact that he would enthusiastically greet her and tell her how great she looked. ha What a sweet talker he can be. Justin lived in Missoula for awhile, then Plains, MT and then moved on to Portland where he sold nursery stock. I moved back to Shelby about 6 months after he had left Minneapolis. We always kept in touch and whenever he was back visiting from wherever he was living at the time we'd grab dinner, movie, or he'd just stop by to hang out. There was always an attraction there and there were hints dropped over the next 3 years but life had taken us in different directions. Well, in Dec '07 Justin had tried to call a few times and we kept playing phone tag. By this time he had taken a job with energy services in the natural oil and gas industry and worked 12 hour days. So we had a difficult time connecting but he left me messages that he needed to ask me a question. After about a week he finally caught up to me and asked it I still wanted the same things out of life as I had 4 years ago. I laughed thinking about the conversation we had over lunch one day in Minneapolis. I had said I wanted to be happily married, with a big family of my own, living in MT back close to my family. I told him that was still ideal and he told me that's what he wanted as well. So he informed me he was moving back to Shelby and we were going to date. Now that's what I like, don't ask....just tell! ha So two weeks later he showed up at my house, poured me a glass of wine, cooked me dinner, and did the dishes. Now who can pass up a guy like that? Not me! So we are living in MT, close to our families, working on the married happily, and we'll keep you posted on the big family. ha After the wedding we will reside in Shelby, I will continue my business as a massage therapist, and he will continue his job off the coast of Santa Barbara (gone 3 weeks, home 3 weeks) until we come up with a new plan. Life is good!

We will be getting married at the Conrad Mission Church. It is the church I grew up in and the church that Justin and I are currently attending. The big day is Saturday April 25, 2009 at 5pm.
Directions to the church: 205 2 Ave NW. Take the Conrad Exit (339). Right on 2nd Ave N (first turn past town pump), down 2 blocks on the right

Shelby Civic Center directly following the wedding.....follow the crowd from Conrad to Shelby!! Strap on your dancing shoes!!

If you are flying in you would fly in to Great Falls airport. You would have to rent a car to get to Shelby (around 80 miles)
Hotel info: Comfort Inn ph #: 406-434-2212, Crossroads Inn ph # 406-434-5134, mention Underdal/Aikins wedding for discount

Thank you for checking out our honeymoon website. We are looking forward to exploring a bit of Norway, hopefully within the year. We do not have our trip planned as of yet....that will be our full focus as soon as we are married! Sorry we don't have details posted yet but we are still working on what our trip will entail. We are excited about our upcoming travels and thank you for helping us kick off our new life together with our honeymoon!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!