After a day of moving into our first home together, both of us were exhausted. We decided to have a special night just Dave and I. He then sprung on me that he had a special gift for us for the house and that I needed to leave for an hour so he could set it up. My mind was racing. I thought maybe it was a flat screen tv for the house or a new duvet for the bed...I honestly couldn't allow myself to think it was a ring because I thought that with the purchase of our first home, it would be awhile before I'd get that! So I went to get us some pizza and shop around for flowers at home depot. Meanwhile, unbenounst to me...
I had to figure out a way to get Jenni out of the house for awhile so I could setup the proposal. I told her that I had a special house warming gift for the both of us and would need about an hour to prepare. She agreed to go to Home Depot to get some plants and then pick up a pizza for dinner. As soon as she left I started getting everything ready. I was a nervous wreck, wanting to get everything ready in time for her return and also anticpating the proposal. I posted signs up on the wall with little inscriptions of how we met and our journey together so far. Each sign had an arrow pointing to the next sign around the house along with a path of rose petals to guide her along. When she got to the final sign I ended it leaving her with one question that I wanted to ask. Rose petals guided Jenni into our bedroom where I was on one knee with a sign stating "Will you marry me?" Fortunately Jenni said yes!
Well, I got back to house and David called to say "put everything down, I want your hands free". I opened to front door to find a rose petal trail at the front door along with a sign. Along the rose petal trail, there was 6 signs (posted under the pictures tab so you can see them). I didn't quite read them all because I was in such a state of shock and excitement. I did read the last one though and said yes to my honey Dave in a suit kneeling in our bedroom with a ring and our song playing in the background. "Hello" by Lionel Richie (yes, it's our song because on one of our first dates the pop-up video came on for the song and it was so hilarious, we made it our song).