| ![]() We are having such a great day. We went for Pinky's dress fitting. Now we are on our way to get my head piece and then Chelo is going to do my hair trial and show me the fabulousness he is going to create for my big day! ![]() We decided to take a break from all of the planning and enjoy Steve's bday plus 4th of July. So Steve was suprised for his bday when I took him to see World War Z, Man of Steel and then at night we went to Medeival Times. We had a ball. We had a great 4th of July hanging out and then the next day he went with the guys to get fitted for his tux and I spent the day with Mom. The clock is counting down. 2 months to go and the butterflies are already going crazy. Steve and I had a bet as to who's side was going to get the responses back first. Well yesterday we got 4 back. THREE of them came from my side and ONE of them was his side. Don't even want to tell you what the bet was but needless to say I WON!!! Keep the rsvps coming. I had to get on Ruthie today because her ADD kicks in and she wont send anything back and then will call me the day before the wedding asking for driving directions. Thank God for her son Christian who is mailing it out today. Thank you Christian!!! ![]() 3 months to the wedding!!!!!! I'm at the point where I don't want to think about it, talk about it, plan etc. I am so done!!! Lololol Steve and I are just waiting for it to hurry up and come already. I am done!!!do everything is set up already. It's the waiting period. 90 days to go ![]() I don't know how I only got 3 pictures, but it was a great night. My bridal party came along with my hairdresser and it turned out to be a very successful night. Plus, we were also watching the MayWeather fight. The food was slamming and there were jokes all night long. I must say the star of the show was Mr. Chelo Mendez!!!! He gave us jokes literally for the whole weekend. ![]() I am done at looking at invites, choosing wording, colors, changing this, deleting that, switch this around and my great fiance gets to Yay or Nay and continue to watch TV. lolol. My friend Gigi would say "Missy why do you give him choices, just pick it" lolol. Love you G. But they are ordered and going out in mid June. whoo hoo!!!! Im pooped and going to bed. Foxy will stay up with me no matter what. Talk about loyalty. ![]() We are sooooo excited!!!! we just booked our honeymoon at the beautiful Sandals Montego Bay Resort. God is good. Not only is in an all inclusive vacation but we got it 50% due to Missy being a travel agent. Whoo Hoo! and when Sandals found out it was our honeymoon, they upgraded us to the honeymoon package. AMEN!!!! |