Thank You for visiting our Registry and Website. As you know we have our home that we love, its already filled with everything we need. So to give us something on our wedding day a little help with the honeymoon would be great. Have fun choosing!! |
Our story started when we met back in 2005 working together at Tony Romas. Never really talked much till summer of 2007 when we started hanging out at the beach. Of course it was Miami Beach. Best pick up line yet..Can you put sunblock on my back? haha Quickly relized we have a lot in common, not only on the love for the ocean but as well on having a good time laughing with friends and family. Not even a year later we moved to MD. to be closer to Giselle. Our Pride and Joy in life. After many cold winters and years passed by we now have fufilled some of our dreams living our lives in our home. |
After 6 years of dating and living with eachother. We needed a nice romantic vacatioin away from family and friends. Rocky decided to plan a week long cruise to Bermuda. It left out of New York and stayed 3 days on the island. Little did she know(or did she?) Maikel had planned to take this vacation to pop the question on the bautiful pink sand beaches and crystal clear waters. The first day on the island they found one of the nicest and secluded beaches on the island and this is when he pop the question. Of Course is what she said in response. The rest of the trip was nothing more than smiles good laughs of being a newly engaged couple. |
Yes the wedding is almost here. After a 2 years engagement we are getting married on our 8 years anniversary.What better place to have it than Miami Beach, where our lives began back in 2007. We are extreamly excited to have every single one of you at our wedding to enjoy this time that we will never forget. We will see you there June 7, 2015 cant come any sooner. |